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What's your meditation style?

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

Exploring different styles of meditation that work.

Let's take a look at the options.

Being that we are all so unique, each individual's life experience varies from one to the other therefore meditation is a personal practice where you find what resonates with your mind, memory, and consciousness best. Keeping a curious attitude towards the practice of meditation will help you explore different avenues and styles. Now that you are aware of what the goal of meditation is, which is undisturbed focus, the only thing left to do is to start a practice.

Remember to always keep it simple and don't lose sight of your goal of undisturbed focus.

In this blog, I will highlight some styles I find to be soothing and effective.


We start with sound.

Something undeniable for those of us who like music and sound.

Crystal sound bowls



Japa Mala

Body awareness, breath, and sleep.

Yoga Nidra

Swami Niranjanananda is incredible, and I couldn't recommend these next few guided meditations enough. I am so happy they are on YouTube for us to enjoy and practice.

Inner silence.

Antar Mouna

Effective mental reset once again by Swami Niranjanananda.

Any practice is better than no practice.

These should give you an idea more or less of your meditation options. You can continue to explore similar styles or whatever fits best for you but I highlight here the most authentic styles I could find which hit key points in meditation. Key points also mean science, as these will target the changes you're looking to make in the brain, mind, and consciousness.

Focus tip.

Don't focus nor worry too much about the benefits you will receive from the practice JUST PRACTICE the benefits will come as you do it.

Hope you enjoy these beautiful meditation audios as much as I do!

More to come on meditation resources.

Stay tuned- The Vault Meditation. Follow on Instagram for the latest.

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